Wednesday 2 May 2012

Wolf Tickets by Ray Banks

Wolf Tickets is a uniquely structured book. The chapters alternate between two friends Cobb and Farrell who rampage around Newcastle seeking revenge. This is interesting as you are given two perspectives from the two main characters which switch between the short chapters. This was a little confusing at first but it didn’t spoil the enjoyment of the book for me, it served to make it more interesting. The characters in question spend most of the time together so you get two viewpoints of the action.

Now this is Ray Banks so expect his usual excellent blend of violence, swearing and ready wit. The book had me wincing at the some of the violence and laughing out loud at the banter. This is the kind of fiction I’ve come to expect from Banks and this was as enjoyable his books usually are. Not one for the squeamish as the violence is frequent and at times even extreme. However, it flows beautifully and the dialogue between Cobb and Farrell really makes the book. I thoroughly enjoyed reading Wolf Tickets. Highly recommended.

Genre:  Crime
Publisher:  Blasted Heath
Format:  E-Book Novella
Rating:  5/5


  1. hooRAY! Next on my list. Can't wait. Your review only makes my mouth water more, Daz.

  2. I wish I had half his talent AJ. Such a cracking writer.
